How do I login to LMS?admin2023-07-10T07:06:33+00:00
The LMS is a student learning portal. The students can login to the Mody University LMS using their login credentials given to them.
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Important key words: –
Sl. No. | Key Words | Meaning |
1 | Re-registration | Registering for next higher semester |
2 | Re-appear | Reappearing for failed/backlog paper in exam |
3 | IA | Internal Assessment |
4 | SEE | SemesterEnd Exams |
5 | SLM | Self-Study Material |
6 | LMS | Learning Management System – a web portal |
7 | e-Content | Electronic Content – Multimedia digital content |
8 | CODE | Centre for Online and Distance Education |
ODL | Open Distance Learning | |
OL | Online Learning | |
9 | UId | Mody UniversityIdentity Card |
10 | Readmission | Taking admission again to the programme when one fails to complete the programme within its maximum duration |
11 | SGPA | Semester Grade Point Average |
12 | CGPA | Cumulative Grade Point Average |