
Course Code: MJ0201 Course Title:Development Communication (4 Credits)
Course Objectives: –

  •   To understand the role of communication in development and social change.
  •   To explore various theories and models of development communication.
  •   To critically analyze the impact of media on development issues.
  •   To develop strategies for using communication as a tool for social change.


Course Contents

Unit Unit Description Learning Outcome
1 Introduction to Development Communication: Definition, evolution, and importance of development communication, key concepts and terminologies. This module has been designed as per BT level 1 & 2.
2 Theories and Models of Development Communication: Overview of various theories, including modernization theory, dependency theory, participatory communication model, and alternative communication strategies. This module has been designed as per BT level 2 & 3.
3 Role of Media in Development: Analyzing the impact of traditional and new media in promoting development, media campaigns, and advocacy. This module has been designed as per BT level 3 & 4.
4 Communication for Social Change: Strategies for using communication as a tool for social change, community media, and participatory approaches. This module has been designed as per BT level 4 & 5.
5 Health Communication: Communication strategies for promoting health awareness, behavior change communication, and public health campaigns. This module has been designed as per BT level 3 & 4.
6 Agricultural Communication: Role of communication in agricultural development, extension services, and the use of ICT in rural areas. This module has been designed as per BT level 3 & 4.
7 Environmental Communication: Communicating environmental issues, climate change, and sustainable development through media. This module has been designed as per BT level 3 & 4.
8 Communication Policy and Planning: Overview of communication policies, planning for development communication projects, and the role of government and NGOs. This module has been designed as per BT level 4 & 5.
9 ICTs for Development: Role of Information and Communication Technologies in development, digital divide, e-governance, and mobile communication for development. This module has been designed as per BT level 3, 4 & 5.
10 Gender and Development Communication: Gender-sensitive communication strategies, role of media in promoting gender equality, and addressing gender issues. This module has been designed as per BT level 4 & 5.
11 Communication Research in Development: Methods and approaches in development communication research, case studies, and impact assessment. This module has been designed as per BT level 5 & 6.
12 Case Studies in Development Communication: In-depth analysis of successful development communication projects, lessons learned, and best practices. This module has been designed as per BT level 5 & 6.


Textbook References:

  1. Servaes, J. (2008). Communication for Development and Social Change. SAGE Publications.
  2. Melkote, S.R. & Steeves, H.L. (2001). Communication for Development in the Third World: Theory and Practice for Empowerment. SAGE Publications.

Other References:

  1. Rogers, E.M. (2003). Diffusion of Innovations. Free Press.
  2. Fraser, C. & Restrepo-Estrada, S. (1998). Communication for Development: Human Change for Survival. I.B. Tauris.
  3. McAnany, E.G. (2012). Saving the World: A Brief History of Communication for Development and Social Change. University of Illinois Press.

(Bloom’s Taxonomy: BT level 1: Remembering; BT level 2: Understanding; BT level 3: Applying; BT level 4: Analyzing; BT level 5: Evaluating; BT level 6: Creating)


Course Code: MJ0202 Course Title:International Communication (4Credits)
Course Objectives: –

  •   To provide an understanding of the global communication environment, its dynamics, and impact on society.
  •   To analyze the role of international communication in political, economic, and cultural processes.
  •   To explore the challenges and opportunities in global media and communication policies.
  •   To critically examine the influence of international media on public opinion, foreign policy, and global relations.


Course Contents:

Unit Unit Description Learning Outcome
1 Introduction to International Communication: Overview of international communication, historical development, and its role in global affairs. This module has been designed as per BTL 1 & 2.
2 Theories of International Communication: Study of key theories including cultural imperialism, media dependency, and globalization in the context of international communication. This module has been designed as per BTL 2 & 3.
3 Global Media Systems: Examination of different media systems around the world, their structure, ownership, and regulatory frameworks. This module has been designed as per BTL 3 & 4.
4 International News Flow: Analysis of the flow of news between developed and developing countries, issues of imbalance, and media representation. This module has been designed as per BTL 3 & 4.
5 The Role of International Organizations in Communication: Exploration of the roles of UNESCO, ITU, and other international bodies in global communication. This module has been designed as per BTL 4 & 5.
6 Media and International Relations: Study of the impact of media on international relations, public diplomacy, and propaganda. This module has been designed as per BTL 4 & 5.
7 Global Media Policies and Regulation: Overview of global media policies, censorship, and regulation in different regions. This module has been designed as per BTL 4 & 5.
8 International Advertising and Public Relations: Examination of global advertising strategies, public relations campaigns, and their impact on cultural and social values. This module has been designed as per BTL 4 & 5.
9 New Media and Global Communication: Impact of digital technologies on international communication, including social media, cyber diplomacy, and digital divide. This module has been designed as per BTL 4 & 5.
10 Conflict and Peace Journalism: Study of the role of media in conflict resolution, peace-building, and the ethics of war reporting. This module has been designed as per BTL 4 & 5.
11 Global Public Opinion and Media Influence: Analysis of how international media shapes public opinion and influences policy decisions. This module has been designed as per BTL 4 & 5.
12 Case Studies in International Communication: In-depth examination of significant cases in international communication, such as media coverage of wars, international crises, and global events. This module has been designed as per BTL 5 & 6.



  1. McPhail, T. L. (2006). Global Communication: Theories, Stakeholders, and Trends. Blackwell Publishing.
  2. Thussu, D. K. (2018). International Communication: Continuity and Change. Bloomsbury Academic.

Reference Books:

  1. Boyd-Barrett, O., & Rantanen, T. (2004). The Globalization of News. Sage Publications.
  2. Kamalipour, Y. R. (2007). Global Communication. Wadsworth Publishing.
  3. Taylor, P. M. (1997). Global Communications, International Affairs, and the Media Since 1945. Routledge.
  4. Hachten, W. A., & Scotton, J. F. (2012). The World News Prism: Digital, Social, and Interactive. Wiley-Blackwell.

(Bloom’s Taxonomy: BT level 1: Remembering; BT level 2: Understanding; BT level 3: Applying; BT level 4: Analyzing; BT level 5: Evaluating; BT level 6: Creating)


Course Code: MJ0203 Course Title:Current Social, Economic and Political Affairs(3 Credits)
Course Objectives: –

  •   To develop a critical understanding of contemporary social, economic, and political issues.
  •   To analyze the impact of current affairs on journalism and media.
  •   To explore the role of journalism in shaping public opinion on social, economic, and political matters.
  •   To gain insights into policy decisions, governance, and their implications on society.
  •   To foster the ability to report and interpret social, economic, and political events accurately.

Course Contents:

Sr. No. Unit No./ Unit Description Learning Outcome
1 Unit I: Understanding Current Social Issues: Social movements, Gender equality, Human rights, Poverty and inequality, Globalization and its impact on society Students will achieve BL 1 and 2 (Remembering and Understanding).
2 Unit II: Demographic Changes and Population Trends: Population growth, Migration, Urbanization, Aging population, Youth and social change Students will achieve BL 2 and 3 (Understanding and Applying).
3 Unit III: Education and Health Policies: Government policies on education and healthcare, Literacy and skill development, Access to healthcare, Global health issues Students will achieve BL 2 and 3 (Understanding and Applying).
4 Unit IV: Environmental Concerns and Sustainability: Climate change, Sustainable development, Environmental policies, Global environmental movements Students will achieve BL 3 and 4 (Applying and Analyzing).
5 Unit V: Economic Policies and Reforms: Macroeconomic policies, Fiscal and monetary policies, Global economic trends, Impact of technology on economy Students will achieve BL 3 and 4 (Applying and Analyzing).
6 Unit VI: Global Trade and Commerce: International trade, Globalization, Trade organizations (WTO, IMF), Bilateral and multilateral agreements, Economic diplomacy Students will achieve BL 3 and 4 (Applying and Analyzing).
7 Unit VII: Political Structures and Governance: Types of governments, Role of media in political communication, Public opinion, Policy-making process Students will achieve BL 3 and 4 (Applying and Analyzing).
8 Unit VIII: Human Rights and Global Justice: Social justice movements, International human rights law, Role of NGOs and international organizations in human rights advocacy Students will achieve BL 4 and 5 (Analyzing and Evaluating).
9 Unit IX: Media and Democracy: Freedom of the press, Role of media in promoting democracy, Media bias, Challenges to media freedom Students will achieve BL 4 and 5 (Analyzing and Evaluating).
10 Unit X: Current Political Events and Their Impact: Analysis of major political events, Elections and campaigns, International political relations, Conflicts and resolutions Students will achieve BL 4 and 5 (Analyzing and Evaluating).


Textbook References:

  1. Amartya Sen, “Development as Freedom,” Oxford University Press.
  2. Thomas Piketty, “Capital in the Twenty-First Century,” Harvard University Press.
  3. Arvind Panagariya, “India: The Emerging Giant,” Oxford University Press.
  4. Larry Diamond and Marc Plattner, “The Global Divergence of Democracies,” Johns Hopkins University Press.
  5. Noam Chomsky, “Media Control: The Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda,” Seven Stories Press.

Other References:

  1. Latest reports and articles from international organizations like the UN, IMF, WTO, and WHO.
  2. Online resources and journals covering contemporary social, economic, and political issues.
  3. Media and political analysis websites and case studies relevant to current affairs.

(Bloom’s Taxonomy: BT level 1: Remembering; BT level 2: Understanding; BT level 3: Applying; BT level 4: Analyzing; BT level 5: Evaluating; BT level 6: Creating)
